Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears"
Fall sunset - 2005 The Woodland's , Texas / NJF |
In each of it's moods and through out it's daily & nightly hours, the 'heavens' provide an amazing source of beauty & inspiration !
For me, catching a sunrise or sunset (often heading to or home from work) is the big prize of being a skywatcher. No two ever alike ~ each with it's own unique palette & set of scenes.
I will never tire of looking up, day or night, to see what sky show is playing. I also delight in the knowledge that I keep good company with MANY others who have been moved to create by skywatching. ( Think Van Gogh; da Vinci & Michelangelo for a start )
As I end week two of this new year ~ I continue to ... Explore ~ Discover ~ Imagine & Express ... care to join me?
What are your creative goals & inspirations ? Not sure ? Just Look Up & Enjoy !!