Monday, December 31, 2012

Wrapping up 2012

Wrapping up 2012                collage  eakf
Retrospective - (from the latin retrospectare "look back")

It is New Years Eve 2012 and as I sip a nutmeg laced eggnog I welcome the time to practice looking back to move forward with this retrospective ritual.
Holding a retrospective ritual is a very old idea. It has served the human species well, as stories of hunts are retold around campfires and stories of child rearing are shared as baskets are woven. It has survived this long because it works. It is a fundamental vehicle to discover, share, and pass along the learning from experience (aka- wisdom).
A calender year's end brings the desire to honor & celebrate the old year, made up of many individual "moments" and larger important events ~ all "the stuff" of our lives. So in my rearview mirror of 2012, I see that I have accomplished many of my creativity goals - from small step daily practices to a few larger challenges. I also actively followed the advise of my word for the year which was "Attend"!
It is rewarding to realize that focus and commitment can yield results. For me this year has been one of creativity growth and I celebrate that as I now look ahead to continue the journey.

"A journey of 1000 miles must begin with a single step" ~ Lao Tzu

What do you see in your rearview mirror ?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Mind the Gap

Introduced in 1969 on the London Underground - "Mind the Gap" signs & audio serve as a caution of a possible larger than normal gap (space) between the platform & train in certain areas of the system. Over time, this phrase has been adopted in Metros around the world.
I use it here to help me begin to bridge the gap in time since my last blog post, and to establish a new energy as I blog forward. Of course, life & some Art continued to happen during the "space", with the most significant piece being my decision to retire from teaching in the formal education system. As of June 4, 2012, I am retired ( Oh my !) I admit to mixed feelings here, as I will miss the wonders of a classroom, BUT am very ready to give up plan books, grading, testing, and early morning alarm clocks !!
So, I now stand at a crossroad with new thresholds before me, and am excited to have time to develop "back burner" ideas and head in the direction of my dreams...... hope you stay posted.

Where are you on your path ?